jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

Human Anatomy and Physiology


Man is a living being created in the image of God. Being created in God's image does not mean that men are shaped like God. Man is a special creation of God.

1. Innate
2. Learned
3. Intelligent
4. Spiritual

Behavior Innate:
innate behavior in humans refers to the reflexes, for example focus the eye, pulling away from a source of pain, suction, they are all behaviors we bring to birth.

The instincts are complex reactions to various stimuli that make up the behavior of animals. Human beings have no instincts based behavior, but is based on our intelligence, what we learn or our spirit.

Behavior Lerned:
These are the things we learn in school, how to spell words, playing an instrument, walking, jumping, eating, learning Bible verses.

Behavior Intelligent:
They are based on the ability to reason, solve problems, to verify the relationship between two objects, recognize cause and effect, how we react to certain things that can affect us, to give value to something.

Behavior Spiritual:
Man was created in God's image in various ways, in their emotions and his intellect.
God created everything for man, but man has been created to know, serve and love God, to offer in this world all creation to God in thanksgiving, and to be raised to life with God in heaven . Only in the mystery of the Incarnate Word is true light the mystery of man, predestined to reproduce the image of the Son of God made man, who is the perfect "image of the invisible God" (Col. 1, 15).

The man is a spiritual being, is something more than emotional intelligence that directs it's behavior through the person of Christ, otherwise we all would act devoid of love, affection, mercy, forgiveness and the only thing that would exist is the sin.

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